Analyzing The Policy And Describing How It Informs Current Nursing Practice

Pressure injury proceedure policy. Please write an essay analysing the policy and describing how it informs current nursing practice in the aged care setting.

(1) Explain what evidence the paper is drawn from by doing your own research on the most current evidence in Australia (please use Nursing and midwifery board of Australia (NMBA), Australian government department of health; and the Australian wound management association); and Analyzing The Policy And Describing How It Informs Current Nursing Practice


(2) how the policy supports the safe and quality care of an aged care patient.

Breaking down the Essay

  • Introduction
  • Talk about the pressure injury procedure and how it is important in regards to an aged care patient.
  • Talk about how it is accessed to guide the nursing care of aged care patients and how it supports safe and quality care.
  • How does the piece you chose link to the most up to date best practice evidence in Australia today? Compare to research findings explained above.
  • Talk about how it is still current and relevant.
  • Why is it important to work with the most up to date best practice evidence? How does the policy compare?